Preview - Analyzing Data From A Space Shuttle Ascent

Using Spreadsheet Software to Create Visualize Launch Data

NASA Data from Mission STS-121

Microsoft Excel

  1. Open the spreadsheet of flight data from NASA mission STS-121.
  2. Highlight the time and altitude columns (cells A1:B28) and select Charts>Scatter to create a chart that displays the altitude data.
  3. Highlight the time and velocity columns (using CTRL/CMD) and select Charts>Scatter to create a chart that displays the velocity data.
  4. Highlight the time and acceleration columns (using CTRL/CMD) and select Charts>Scatter to create a chart that displays the acceleration data.

Google Sheets

  1. Open the spreadsheet of flight data from NASA mission STS-121.
  2. Highlight the time and altitude columns (cells A1:B28) and select the Insert Chart icon . Select the chart recommendation that you think displays the data most effectively and click insert.
  3. Highlight the time, altitude, and velocity columns (cells A1:C28) and select the Insert Chart icon . Select one of the Velocity vs. Time chart recommendations that you think displays the data most effectively and click insert.
  4. Highlight the acceleration column (cells D1:D28) and select the Insert Chart icon . Select the chart recommendation that you think displays the data most effectively and click insert. (Note: Google sheets doesn’t have the ability to add the time data as labels on the x-axis. One workaround is to insert a column to the left of the acceleration column and duplicate the time data in that column.)


Please answer the questions below.

Extending: Try visualizing altitude, velocity, and acceleration on the same chart. Is this helpful? Explain why or why not.

Upload a screenshot of your graphs or the file containg the graphs you created.

Upload files that are less than 5MB in size.
File Delete


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